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What's Going On In the Vegan Community?

In today's edition of, What's Going On In the Vegan Community, we will talk about some recent happenings going on in the Twittersphere recently.

Checking in with Adam Josh, famous vegan and host of the Morning Banana talk show, who has been traveling around, these days. Adam and his family are in Germany currently and making vegan eating look as easy as a slice of Daiya cheese pie. Check out their shenanigans...

Suzy found the original yeah.

Presenting everyone's favorite vegan rapper from Toronto, Canada. Choke's got the jokes...

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) speaking the absolute truth...

You can get vegan food stuffs at Gregg's apparently...

The National Parks Service dog is adorable...

And on a serious note, yesterday tens of thousands of chickens were trapped and perished in a tragic barn fire. The way to end this needless suffering from happening, is to go vegan. Go ahead and substitute your animal protein with a vegan alternative like faux meat or tofu, beans, lentils, etc. Your body, the environment, but especially the animals, will be happy that you did!

And for now, the Dirty Vegan is signing off - if you'd like a shoutout in a future blog post, please reach out to me at, through the form on this website, or give me a holler on social media. Bye!


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