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Natural Vegan Deodorant That Really Works!

Honestly pHresh was so kind to send me their vegan deodorant to try, and I have to say, I am in love with their products!!

Deodorant has been a tricky thing since becoming vegan. It’s hard to find a brand that works well, especially when you are an active person (who does, well, sweat). It seems like every time you get hooked on a brand you like, they either get sold to a larger company who might test on animals or change the formulation, and sometimes a brand you love stops making a particular deodorant you like, which has been the case for some of my past favorites. The ones that do work and also happen to be vegan, are usually full of chemicals that I don’t want to use. So, again, it can be tricky.

That’s why I was so pleasantly surprised when not only did I absolutely adore Honesty pHresh for aesthetics and tantalizing fragrance reasons, but they actually do work, which is just so amazing! And they also have benefits like added magnesium and probiotics to help your skin; the largest organ in your body!

So I’ve been using these for the past few weeks, and during a heatwave that was averaging at around 100 degrees, and here’s my results. I am also aware that everyone’s body is different and deodorant does work differently for every body, but here is what I experienced using this brand.

The first one I tried was Sugar Mint, magnesium enriched, prebiotic and it ended up being my favorite and just so amazing for summer use. It boasts 24 hour protection (and it delivers), it’s aluminum-Free (score!) and also made with fair trade and organic ingredients. The smell of this deodorant is what I immediately loved, a sweet minty scent that is just so delicious-smelling! This is a good one to use all year and especially in summer. The feel of it is also so nice; reminds me of those powdery deodorants I used before going vegan, but this is all natural. This also did not leave behind any streaks or white marks on any of my clothes.

I also used the Mg, magnesium roll-on deodorant in Tropical Nectar. This one has a sweet and tropical almost floral scent and works awesome. It just couldn’t stand up to the heatwave the same as Sugar Mint did. The Mg works better, for me personally, on an average day but not a super hot and sweaty day and not really on a high-activity day (like cross-fit, running, other cardio or lifting). I will definitely continue to use this deodorant on yoga days or during the Fall, Winter and Spring.

Finally I tried the Frangipani & Monoi pre-biotic deodorant spray, which is handcrafted in Hawaii and comes in a lovely glass bottle. It has a tropical and uplifting scent and is really nice, light and fun. This is a spray, so for me it worked best as additional deodorizing. Think, a body spray that helps with maintaining your body’s natural flora and keeping your pH balance in check. This can be spritzed on any exterior body part, and I think it’s really nice for any spot that might get sweaty since it gives off a pretty fragrance.

In conclusion, I loved all of their products that they sent and I tried! I will be using this brand for sure, and I’m so happy that I know about them now. This company is vegan and cruelty-free and so far their products did absolutely no damage to any of my clothing, and I happen to wear some vintage items in my wardrobe, so that was great for me. Sugar Mint will be my go-to for the remainder of the summer, with Mg in the fall and the spray-on for days where I want a little extra freshening and pretty fragrance on my skin. Be sure to check out Honestly pHresh on social; they have a cool instagram account.

And for now, The Dirty Vegan is signing off - stay sweet smelling in this summer heat, my friends!

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