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Vegan Disney Is Legit

Ok, so this is a fun one! I was sent to Walt Disney World Parks and Resorts in Orlando, Florida to scope out their new vegan options, which they always had, but are even more vegalicious and abundant. Read on...

This is what I love about my job. I get to go places and eat vegan food. Dole Whip was always vegan but now you can order it right from your phone and get an alert when it’s ready to pick up right at a mobile order counter. It’s always hot in Magic Kingdom at the Dole Whip station, so this feauture is vital.

Years ago, the vegan options were there, but fewer. Also, ordering food you had to ask for the allergy menu and a chef would come speak with you. Now, that can still happen and sometimes does, especially when I order vegan Mickey waffles, but there are actual things on menus and around the parks and resorts that say “vegan” on them...and it’s freaking awesome!

Here we have snacks galore.

The vegan and gluten-free selection all over Disney World Parks and Resorts is so amazing.

You can get a giant box of vegan cookies using just a snack on the dining I did that.

I can get used to eating this way. Pictured above is a vegan Dr. Praeger burger and fries. There were lots of Dr. Praegers around the Walt Disney World property this trip.

Donald likes his chips vegan and non-GMO. Don’t we all?

The Crystal Palace buffet was FULL of vegan options, confirmed by the lovely chef. We also got to see Pooh and friends during this meal, so it was a major win.

Had to go back for seconds.

These chips taste just like those non-vegan kind that aren't nearly as healthy. Can you guess which ones I’m thinking of?

Everywhere there was vegan meals and snacks. It was actually getting to the point where I was eating more than doing anything else. Pictured above is the freshest guacamole I have ever eaten and it was found at Epcot.

Yum. Sorbetto.

Veggie plate. Pretzel sans cheese (how much you want to bet next trip they’ll have vegan cheese sauce?). Hummus with pretzels. I feel like these plant-based snack spots were EVERYWHERE.

These Mickey pretzels are so good. Love this mouse.

Vegan Korma on the menu. NBD.

You can get that flat bread without dairy cheese or with vegan cheese. Just ask for it.

I saw the word vegan so many places during this Disney trip. It was pretty cool.

The vegan korma was amazing and this fruit cup held a pleasant surprise.

I thought it was just a fruit cup and they were being funny by calling it vegan, but NO, it was an actual real vegan dessert. A custard of sorts. And it was so delicious!

This was another Epcot treasure at Coral Reef restaurant and there’s a funny story about this. Our cast member serving us brought it and came back to us to see me picking at it. She asked if there was anything wrong. I said, I think I got the wrong dish, is this meat in the vegan hash? She started laughing and was like, that’s vegan beefless crumbles. I started laughing too! Vegan meat crumbles. Isn’t that something? The dish is a battered cauliflower steak with vegan potato hash around it. Unbelievable.

Mango sorbet? Yes, please!

The buffets at Disney World are more vegan than not, in my opinion. You're eatin' well when you're there.

Here at Chef Mickey's we received special treatment. The chef brought our vegan waffles out to us and included pixie dust on them! We were told that Tinkerbell did that in the kitchen. So magical!

Never went without vegan milk in my coffee no matter where I was at the park or resort.

Oh, nothing. Just stopping for my 1,047th Dole Whip of the trip.

If you are at Magic Kingdom, see Cosmic Ray and tell him I sent you. You'll also get some LIVE entertainment while you are there, brought to you by the talented Sonny Eclipse. It used to be just black bean burgers at Disney but now you can get vegan veggie, falafel (three varieties of them), black bean, Beyond Burgers, and more! Incredible.

Tofu scramble, tater tots, waffles, vegan butter and chocolate milk, don't mind if I do.

So yummy.

Was so happy to see this in Hollywood Studios at Rizzo's. What a time to be alive!

Vegan cheese.

Another nifty falafel burger with iced tea and fries at Sci-fi Dine-in Theater. It had a completely different flavor, sauce, and season than the other falafel burgers I've had, which was so fun. Also, I had a tofutti ice cream sundae for dessert.

This was hands down my favorite place to eat the entire time. The food was good and the atmosphere was perfect. I'm embarrassed to admit that this was my first time dining here out of all the times I've been to Disney World. Upon entering, I loved the backstage vibe, and then feeling like I was really outside in a drive in movie. Oh, and those old pictures. I just sat there looking around and taking it all in. We closed down the place and I would've stayed there the entire night if they'd let me, like slept over. I didn't ask though.

More chocolate bars, because when you see a vegan chocolate bar, you eat it.

Starting the mornings off at Magic Kingdom with a Starbucks soy latte was so lovely.

At Brown Derby you can get vegan Pho with vegetable spring rolls...

And a choice between rice dream or tofutti ice cream (or sorbet) for dessert.

My favorite restaurant and character dining, although I really love everything at Disney World, was Tusker House in Animal Kingdom. The vegan options are so wonderful and there's just so much, that I couldn't eat everything that I wanted to eat. A tummy only has so much room.

I snapped a pic of the sign outside of Tusker House because I like how it says, Vegetarian Plates. There was literally more plant-based options in that buffet than anything else, and obviously I was loving it.

Also at Animal Kingdom is all of the new Pandora stuff. There's a whole glorious new area that transports you to the World of Avatar, and it is out-of-this-world; I mean it. But take a look at this menu. Aaaaand...

The vegan meal!

These are vegan. Not a good picture, but they were amazing! Found at the candy shop at Magic Kingdom.

Yes, another Dole Whip. Don't you judge me. 1,048.

We dined at Cinderella's Castle with the royals and the vegan fare was exactly what you'd expect during such an affair.

This lemon sorbet with blueberries was yumtastic.

The castle was ever so beautiful, as always. Our hosts were so gracious as well. Also, Id like to give a shout to Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique. The entire boutique of Fairy God-mothers-in-training treated my kiddo so special and made us feel like a real life fairytale. Such magic.

At Epcot in the American area was this gem of a find. A Beyond Burger and fries. This was one of several veggie burger options up for grabs.

Disney Springs was splendid. The weather was beautiful and the scenery, sitting and watching the boats while enjoying this Starbucks for breakfast, was more enchanting than I could have imagined.

Had to stop by my girl Erin McKenna's vegan bakery.

Took a picture of this because WOW, we have vegan options everywhere we go now.

Nice vegetable sandwich with a slaw that has vinegar dressing. Not bad.

Cookies for the ride home.

Big thanks to Chef Mickey and everyone at Disney World for making us feel so special and for everything being so magical. You did incredible with the vegan, gluten-free, and specialty menu items and it blew me away; above and beyond my expectations. Anywhere a vegan goes at Walt Disney World Parks and Resorts, plant-based meals and snacks can absolutely be found for them. There were so many more vegan selections and menu items but I can only eat so much! Good thing I'll be back to visit and eat more vegan food very soon.

Also huge thank you to Walt Disney World for sponsoring this post and providing complimentary park admission/ tickets.

And for now, the Dirty Vegan is signing off - I hope your day (all your days, really) has so much magic and adventure in it, because that's what you deserve!

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